Starting from January 1, 2025, several new regulations will come into effect in Uzbekistan. Among them…

Sanctions for conducting business without registering as an individual entrepreneur will be lifted.

Financial penalties for individuals engaging in entrepreneurial activities without registration will be abolished. However, an administrative fine of 5−7 BRV (1.875−2.625 million sums) will still apply.

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Administrative liability will also be removed for:

  • violations in displaying fiscal marks;
  • non-compliance with digital labeling rules;
  • concealing the number of employees.

Business oversight will be limited: inspections can only be conducted by 41 state agencies from an approved list.

All inspections must be registered in the "Unified State Control" system and accompanied by a notification from the Business Ombudsman. An exception is made for desk tax audits.

A "Risk Analysis" system will be introduced, categorizing businesses by risk levels:

  • low risk – no inspections conducted;
  • medium and high risk – inspections and preventive measures may occur to address violations.

Gambling, lotteries, and betting activities will be allowed.

The organization of gambling, lotteries, and betting activities will be permitted in Uzbekistan. The National Agency for Project Management (NAPM) will be appointed as the regulatory and licensing authority.

For five years, legal entities organizing lotteries, online games, and betting will be required to pay a turnover tax at a rate of 4%, levied on their total income from gambling activities after deducting all paid winnings and returned bets.

Income earned by citizens from winnings in licensed lotteries, online games, and betting shops will be exempt from personal income tax (PIT).

Post-marketing control over pharmaceuticals will be established.

Uzbekistan will implement a new procedure for post-marketing control of pharmaceutical products. The Ministry of Health's Center for Pharmaceutical Safety will oversee this control.

Control mechanisms include:

  • medicines and medical products will be checked through procurement with subsequent laboratory testing;
  • the inspection plan will be formed monthly based on the risk analysis of the electronic system;
  • additional procurements will be made in response to citizen complaints or information on side effects and violations.

Customs will assign conditional codes to goods.

Starting from January 9, Uzbekistan will implement a regulation for assigning conditional codes to imported goods.

The conditional code will be assigned during customs examination, allowing for faster release of goods into circulation. The process of assigning a conditional code will take up to five working days, whereas a full examination can last up to 60 days.

Food service establishments will begin to receive a refund of part of the VAT paid.

The profit tax rate for food service enterprises will be reduced by 50% for three years. Additionally, they will receive a monthly refund of part of the VAT paid, depending on the share of turnover in cashless form (terminals, mobile payments):

  • over 60% of payments – 40% VAT;
  • less than 60% of payments – 20% VAT.

The import tax on medicines and medical products will be abolished.

The customs clearance fee for pharmaceuticals and other medical products will be eliminated. Currently, it amounts to 1.2% of their customs value.

Attracting foreign specialists to education will become 30 times cheaper.

The cost of work permits for foreign specialists hired by educational institutions will decrease from 30 BRV (11.2 million sums) to 1 BRV (375,000 sums).

Foreign teachers hired by private educational organizations will be able to obtain category "A2" entry visas for permanent work in Uzbekistan.

New tax benefits will come into effect at the start of the next year.

Now in Uzbekistan, new tax benefits will come into effect at the start of the next year. Currently, taxpayers have the right to utilize benefits from the moment legal grounds arise (upon their introduction) throughout their entire duration.

VAT exemptions for public transport will be abolished.

The following VAT exemptions will be canceled:

  • for legal entities established by associations of persons with disabilities;
  • for passenger transport at unified rates by urban public transport (excluding taxis) and suburban trains.

Exemptions from land tax for plots with new gardens, vineyards, and mulberry plantations will also cease. Instead, the tax will be reduced by 50%.

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Photo: Ilya Semendeev / Spot

The property tax rates for individuals will increase by 10% in 2025.

The rates for property tax on real estate owned by individuals are planned to rise by 10%. The new rates will be as follows:

  • for housing up to 200 square meters throughout Uzbekistan – 0.34%;
  • for housing in cities from 200 to 500 sq. m., as well as for housing in other settlements over 200 sq. m. – 0.45%;
  • for housing in cities over 500 sq. m. – 0.6%.

The reduced property tax rate for legal entities will also rise. From the new year, it will be 0.65% instead of the current 0.6%.

For agricultural producers implementing water-saving technologies and water meters, the tax will be calculated with a reducing coefficient of 0.5 (0.7 with one of these actions). In the absence of these, a coefficient of 1.1 will apply.

Currently, the annual budget and the relevant amendments to it have not been approved.

Telecommunication operators will be allowed direct access to internet channels.

Starting from January 1, 2025, mobile network operators will be able to connect directly to external internet channels, effectively ending the monopoly of "Uzbektelecom."

Additionally, from this date, state enterprises will lose a number of monopoly rights:

  • "Uzvtorcvetmet" will no longer be able to engage in the procurement and export of scrap non-ferrous metals;
  • "Uzmetkombinat" will lose the right to procure and purchase metal scrap domestically;
  • "Uzkimempeks" will lose its status as the sole agent for exporting products from enterprises;
  • "Uzkimesanat" and for importing equipment, raw materials, and supplies;
  • "Uztrade" will no longer exclusively supply wheat, flour, and export small business products without insurance or bank guarantees.

The excise tax on mobile communication will be abolished.

No VAT will be charged on the sale of land and state property. The excise tax on mobile communication, currently set at 10%, is also planned for cancellation.

The double tax rate for agricultural land within populated areas will also be abolished. Furthermore, publishing houses will be exempt from profit tax for 5 years.

Direct state procurement of medicines from manufacturers will be