Tatyana Asmakovets has been appointed as the acting chairwoman of the board of the private Yangi Bank effective February 3. This information is stated in the extract from the minutes of the bank's supervisory board meeting, published on the Unified Corporate Information Portal.

On January 31, the Yangi Bank supervisory board proposed to form a new board of three members, which was approved by the Central Bank's Banking Supervision Committee. The new board includes Tatyana Asmakovets Vladimirovna, director of the small and medium-sized business department; Soatov Sherali Mukiddinovich, director of the treasury department; and Diyarov Bekzod Lutfilloevich, head of the internal control and financial monitoring service.

Compared to the previous board, the head of Yangi Bank, Khe Svetlana Zehenovna, and chief accountant Rakhmanov Farhod Bakhramovich have left. The acting chief accountant listed on the EPKI website is Khadiyeva Umida Yuldashevna.

On February 7, it became known that Svetlana Khe has been proposed for the position of chairwoman of Uzum Bank, and the appointment still needs to be approved by the Central Bank. The previous head of the digital bank, Alexander Filippovich, will transition to the role of operational director and will work on developing products and services for the combined Uzum Fintech direction.

Earlier, Spot reported that Ulugbek Tavakkalov has been appointed as the deputy chairman of "Kapitalbank".