
A state registry of ancient handwritten Quran manuscripts held in Uzbekistan's collections will be established.

В Узбекистане планируется создать государственный реестр древних рукописных экземпляров Корана, хранящихся в местных фондах.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2022, titled "On Additional Measures for the Improvement of the System for Preserving and Researching Ancient Written Sources," the task has been set to create a state register of ancient written sources stored in all museums, libraries, and archival funds across the republic, as well as to conduct their ongoing monitoring.

Based on this decree, a state register, catalogs, and electronic copies of ancient written sources held in all museums, libraries, and archival funds in the republic will be established. The first volume will present a scientific description of 1,000 copies of Quran manuscripts, including their condition, decorations, bindings, sizes, information about the calligrapher who copied the book, and other details about the manuscript.

To ensure the fulfillment of this task, the director of the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Firdaus Abdukhaliqov, proposed the creation of a separate register for Quran manuscripts. On this basis, relevant work has already begun at the center.

“Research has been conducted on ancient written sources stored in all museums, libraries, and archival funds within the republic. To date, a state register of over 9,000 sources has been created,” says Azimjon Gafurov, a responsible staff member of the department for maintaining the state register of ancient written sources at the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan.