
Where is the 3,300-year-old flute linked to Uzbekistan's musical heritage located?

Где можно найти 3300-летнюю флейту, имеющую отношение к музыкальному искусству Узбекистана?

Где находится 3300-летняя флейта, связанная с музыкальным искусством Узбекистана?

The history of musical art in Uzbekistan dates back to ancient times. A striking testament to this is a unique discovery—a flute with a history of 3,300 years, found in the village of Muminobod near Samarkand. This flute is considered a crucial source of information not only about the development of musical instruments in our region but also about the roots of Eastern musical culture.

In 1964, excavations related to the Bronze Age were conducted in the Urgut district of Samarkand region. During archaeological research in the village of Muminobod, a bone flute, fragments of pottery, and other artifacts were uncovered. Even finds such as bell-shaped earrings and other adornments in the hands of an infant buried there indicate that craftsmanship and art were highly developed in this region during that period.

Currently, this flute is housed in the Museum of the History of Culture of Uzbekistan in Samarkand. Additionally, to highlight this historical heritage, plans are underway to create a documentary film and produce a modern replica of the flute.