
Sergey Laptev: "The Museum of the Center for Islamic Civilization will showcase a unique numismatic collection."

Сергей Лаптев: "В Центре исламской цивилизации откроется уникальная коллекция монет."

For several days, a conference dedicated to the Third Renaissance is taking place. I presented a report on the topic of numismatics. This was not merely a lecture but a speech focused on the formation of the collection at the Center for Islamic Civilization. Personally, I believe that the collection at the Center for Islamic Civilization should include a coin collection. This is very important, not only from the perspective of historical science. Numismatics is a popular and cherished hobby for many people. Many individuals collect coins. If such a collection is established at the center, people will come to view it, and seminars, lectures, and symposiums can be organized to study the coins. Through this, they will gain information about the Center for Islamic Civilization. In a sense, this could become an element that connects visitors with the center.

Today, we provided information about coins issued after the Timurid era, along with their main types. We hope to create a significant collection at the Center for Islamic Civilization with their participation. The National Bank or the center itself may also provide rare coins. If this occurs, the collection will be divided into four eras according to the museum's concept. This is because the esteemed President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, outlined four main sections in the development concept of the center: the pre-Islamic period, the post-Islamic period, and the eras of the Second and Third Renaissance. Thus, our coin collection will also be divided into these four periods.