Plans are underway to construct a complex of several commercial buildings on the site of the "Beshagach" market. This was announced by the press service of the Chilanzar district administration.
The Deputy Head of the district administration, Abdumamid Abdukadyrov, held video negotiations with the management of the Turkish company Albayrak Holding. They presented the Uzbekistan side with the project for the future Skyvision complex.
According to a slide published from the project presentation, the complex will consist of four high-rise buildings: two residential buildings (Crown Residence), one commercial skyscraper (Skyscraper), and a mixed-use building (Wave Residence & Office).
Representatives from the Ministry of Investments, Industry, and Trade also participated in the conference. The negotiations with Albayrak Holding are ongoing, noted the district administration.
Market Topic
Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed the plans for the development of Uzbekistan's trade and tourism infrastructure in January 2024. These plans included the improvement of markets in historical cities, their transformation into integrated complexes focused on tourists, and the construction of new bazaars with the involvement of foreign specialists.
The Hokimiyat of the Yakkasaray district presented a project for the reconstruction of the Askia market in November. A modern trade and service complex is planned to be built in its place, which will include an eco-market, a cold storage facility, entertainment venues, and a 4-star hotel.
On December 24, an auction for the property complex of the market took place on the E-auksion platform. The only bid was placed by Sheng-Ke International, offering 225.59 billion sums for the lot.
Previously, the president was shown the reconstruction plan for the Yunusabad dehkan market. A three-story eco-market is planned to be built there, preserving the traditional appearance, along with a shopping center and a jewelry house nearby.
Earlier, Spot reported that the Turkish company Rönesans may be involved in the high-speed railway project between Tashkent and Samarkand.