The Ministry of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan commented on social media reports regarding the mandatory declaration of mobile devices when entering the republic, in response to a request from Spot.
The Telegram channel reported that when registering a phone's IMEI, it is necessary not only to have traveled abroad but also to declare the phone at customs.
“Accordingly, when registering on the website, there is now a search for information in the customs database. If the data is not in the database, a fee of 30% of the customs value of the phone will need to be paid,” the author wrote.
In particular, the blogger refers to point 29-1 of the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution dated September 17, 2019, which pertains to the registration process for mobile devices imported for sale or personal use.
According to amendments to the document that come into effect on January 28, 2024, individuals importing phones must fill out a declaration regardless of the maximum allowable limits for goods that