
The project for the State Program to implement the "Uzbekistan 2030" Strategy was discussed during the "Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy."

Обсуждался проект Государственной программы для реализации стратегии «Узбекистан – 2030» в рамках Года охраны окружающей среды и развития зеленой экономики.
Country in Focus January 14, 2025 323

During a joint meeting of the Senate committees on science, education, and healthcare, as well as on international relations, foreign economic ties, foreign investments, and tourism, the draft State Program for implementing the "Uzbekistan – 2030" Strategy was discussed in the "Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy."

It was emphasized that the draft State Program outlines that improving public health, fostering an ecological lifestyle, and creating conditions for realizing human potential are among the priority areas for the country's development.

The State Program identifies 5 priority directions, covering goals aimed at developing the social sector in terms of creating decent conditions for the realization of each individual's potential.

In particular, tasks have been defined such as achieving a 98 percent coverage rate for 6-year-old children in the school preparation system this year, and creating and implementing new textbooks, workbooks, and methodological aids totaling 65 titles for general education institutions. Additionally, to widely engage the private sector in the development of general secondary education, the number of non-state secondary general education schools is planned to increase to 600.

The share of researchers under the age of 35 among the total number of researchers sent for scientific internships to foreign scientific organizations and universities will increase by 80 percent.

In the healthcare sector, preventive examinations are planned for 7.1 million people over the age of 40 to identify the most common diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Mass and selective screening for early detection of oncohematological diseases among 10 million children aged 3 to 18 years is also planned.

Furthermore, during the meeting, proposals covering 10 goals for the implementation of a peaceful, pragmatically active, and consistent foreign policy of the country were reviewed, aimed at continuing the policy based on the principle of "Safe and Peaceful State" as part of the "Uzbekistan-2030" Strategy.

Measures are envisaged to ensure compliance with obligations under ratified international treaties, expand promising areas of cooperation with leading international and regional organizations, and enhance the role and authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the UN.

Senators expressed proposals aimed at improving the quality of education in general education schools, enhancing the ranking of higher educational institutions, increasing the share of young researchers, supporting their scientific endeavors, and consistently implementing the foreign policy of New Uzbekistan based on the interests of the people and the state.

The necessity of strengthening international cooperation and interaction among responsible ministries and agencies in achieving the set tasks for the accelerated development of foreign investments and tourism, as well as providing quality medical assistance to the population, was also emphasized.

During the discussion, senators, experts, and specialists voiced a number of proposals and recommendations regarding the draft State Program.