Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on the topic of cultivating high-yield agricultural crops in household plots and on leased land. This was reported by the president's press service.

In Uzbekistan, there are 508,000 hectares of household plots and 17,000 hectares of land for dehkan farms. Since 2017, they have been granted preferential loans amounting to 2.3 trillion sums and subsidies totaling 265 billion sums. Additionally, 260,000 hectares have been allocated to citizens in recent years.

The yield from household plots has more than doubled over seven years, reaching 38 tons per hectare. In many regions, the income from each hundred square meters of household plots has reached 15−20 million sums.

The head of state announced a series of new initiatives aimed at supporting the production of high-yield crops. For instance, subsidies will be provided for trellised grapes (up to 15,000 sums per trellis) and preferential loans for purchasing equipment for drying raisins.

The development of dehkan and household farms will be overseen by a dedicated council. This council will be responsible for educating the population, supplying seeds and seedlings, organizing cultivation, processing, and exporting products. A special fund will be established with an initial capital of 260 billion sums and a credit portfolio of 1.2 trillion sums.

A holding called Uzagrostar will be created under the council, consisting of 15 specialized companies. It is expected that they will elevate fruit and vegetable production in 15 regions to a new level and transfer their expertise to other areas.

Each company will be allocated 20 billion sums to attract and finance residents of the mahallas. Plans include organizing the import of modern technologies, attracting foreign experts, and providing participants with quality seeds and fertilizers.

Additionally, companies will offer agrotechnical services, assist in processing and exporting products, and establish "green" greenhouses in collaboration with seed breeding institutes. A total of 5 trillion sums is planned to be directed towards these goals.

Cold storage facilities, packaging, drying, and processing workshops will be built in mahallas and households. These will be transferred to local residents on an installment plan for up to 5 years. Businesses providing services for household farms will receive preferential loans for seven years at an interest rate of 17.5%.

Earlier, Spot reported that a fund for agricultural insurance is planned to be established in Uzbekistan.