“Artemy Lebedev Studio” has created a logo for the Uzbek reputation marketing agency Index. The new Index logo was unveiled on the agency's birthday.
You can view the presentation of the new Index logo via the link.
“We really like the new agency logo. It is easily readable, has strong associations, and is simple to perceive. I am confident that reinterpreting the original logo will strengthen our positioning as pioneers in the reputation marketing services market in Uzbekistan,” said Timur Abdulin, head of the Index agency.
The reputation marketing agency Index specializes in shaping and managing the online reputations of companies. For several years, Index has been a verified partner of Brand Analytics in Uzbekistan.
“Artemy Lebedev Studio” is one of the leading Russian design companies, established in 1995. According to the expert group “Tagline,” the company led the list of top web studios in the Runet for seven years. Previously, “Artemy Lebedev Studio” also developed logos for Uzbek media projects Repost.uz and PR.uz.
For companies in need of building their reputation and developing a brand communication strategy, specialists at Index can be contacted using the following details:
Phone: (+998) 33−404−66−00.
Website: indexpr.uz Instagram: @indexpr.agency
For advertising purposes.