A procedure has been established for certifying employees working in organizations that operate hazardous production facilities.
2025-01-26 09:09:27https://yuz.uz/ru/news/ustanovlen-poryadok-provedeniya-attestatsii-rabotnikov-organizatsiy-ispolzuyuix-opasne-proizvodstvenne-obekt
By the resolution of the Government (No. 26 dated January 21, 2025), the regulation "On the procedure for training, retraining, enhancing qualifications, and certification of managerial staff and engineering-technical workers of organizations using hazardous production facilities" has been approved.
According to the document, employees will undergo periodic certification at the following intervals:
- managerial staff of organizations using hazardous production facilities, chairpersons, and deputy chairpersons of their central certification commissions - once every five years;
- engineering-technical personnel, as well as members of certification commissions - once every three years;
- other employees working in organizations using hazardous production facilities - once a year.