The Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AGMK) has shared the results of its activities for the year 2024. This information comes from the press service of the state company.
Last year, AGMK produced goods worth 38.14 trillion sums. Compared to 2023, the "forecast indicator" was exceeded by 16.1%. However, when compared to the reporting for 2023, the production volume in monetary terms increased by 20.5% (31.66 trillion sums).
According to AGMK, the targets and forecasts for ore extraction, processing of copper raw materials, production of cathode copper, copper content in concentrate, extraction of polymetallic ore and its processing, as well as zinc content in zinc concentrate were all surpassed. Nevertheless, exact production volumes are not specified.
In 2024, AGMK exported products totaling $610.8 million. Thus, the forecast of $550 million was achieved by mid-November, and the final figures exceeded it by 11.1%.
However, compared to previous years, the export of the complex significantly decreased: in 2022 it was $947.5 million, and in 2023 it was $661.9 million.
In terms of product breakdown, 51.69 thousand tons of copper products were delivered (forecast achieved at 132.6%), 15.18 thousand tons of lead concentrate (+21.5%), and 760 tons of molybdenum products (+9.3%). AGMK has also fulfilled its export tasks for rhenium, cadmium, copper sulfate, and palladium powder. No further details are provided.
The complex currently supplies products to 19 countries, with the primary product range including copper, zinc, molybdenum, rhenium, lead concentrate, cadmium, and palladium powder. In 2024, new markets were developed, including countries such as Guinea, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Morocco, and Portugal.
According to the Tax Committee, last year AGMK paid taxes to the budget amounting to 10.79 trillion sums, which is slightly more than in 2023.
Previously, Spot reported that manufacturers of copper products may be granted discounts on raw materials from AGMK.