During the meeting of the Senate Committee on Budget and Economic Issues, the draft State Program for the implementation of the "Uzbekistan – 2030" Strategy was actively discussed in the context of the "Year of Environmental Protection and the Green Economy."
It was noted that the draft State Program includes a plan of practical measures for 2025 across five priority areas of the "Uzbekistan – 2030" Strategy, a list of regulatory legal acts being developed this year, and target indicators for each direction.
The new approaches outlined in the draft State Program create a solid foundation for achieving goals such as increasing annual GDP growth to at least 6%, reducing poverty, and improving the well-being of the population by 2030.
Given that green energy is becoming a driver of the national economy, important tasks are identified in this direction that cannot be postponed.
In particular, to encourage the widespread use of renewable energy sources by the population and business entities, it is proposed to introduce "green tariffs" for electricity generated from waste recycling, as well as from wind and solar sources starting April 1, 2025.
The draft State Program aims to ensure economic growth of at least 6% to elevate the country's economy to a qualitatively new level, expand opportunities for effective use of domestic funds and financial resources to ensure sustainable economic growth, and explore export potential.
It is also planned to double the size of the economy by 2030 and to enter the group of "upper-middle-income countries" by organizing work based on the "korhonabay" principle with entrepreneurs and expanding the geography of exports of domestic products, strengthening the positions of domestic products in foreign markets under the "Made in Uzbekistan" brand.
Participants in the meeting expressed their opinions on all points of the discussed draft State Program. It was also emphasized that the goals and objectives outlined in the draft State Program for 2025 play a significant role in further improving future well-being and advancing the development of the country to a new level.
At the conclusion of the event, it was noted that proposals and recommendations for improving and adopting the draft will be developed.