In Uzbekistan, there are plans to prohibit the sale of AI-80 gasoline by the end of this year. This is stated in the presidential decree dated February 7, published by "UzA".

The head of state has instructed to "mobilize all forces and resources" to limit the use and sale of AI-80 automotive fuel by the end of 2025, ensuring that the population has "quality, environmentally friendly, and affordable fuel".

The draft decree mentioned a complete ban on fuels below the Euro-4 environmental standard. AI-80 gasoline meets the Euro-2 standard.

Additionally, by the end of this year, it is planned to prohibit the use of fuel oil by enterprises producing heat and electricity in all regions of Uzbekistan, except in cases of emergencies and disasters with the approval of the Cabinet.

Taking into account the "suggestions from the general public, international and domestic eco-activists, the Ecological Party, and the Ministry of Ecology," it has been instructed to prohibit from May 1, 2025 in Tashkent, Nukus, and regional centers the implementation of new projects in the following areas:

  • production of asbestos and cement, sludge and slag;
  • leather-tanning and poultry factories;
  • burning any type of coal without the installation of highly efficient dust collection and gas purification facilities;
  • factories for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, glass containing toxic impurities, and harmful chemicals;
  • waste processing and incineration enterprises classified as I and II hazard levels.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Ecology, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development and Finance, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Innovative Development, and local khokimiyats, is tasked with submitting "well-founded proposals" to the Cabinet by October 1, 2025 regarding the phased relocation of existing capacities in the aforementioned areas, as well as those with high energy consumption.

By November 1, 2025, the Ministry of Ecology will develop a draft law on organizing the collection and disposal of plastic waste by creating special collection points for plastic waste and installing special equipment or paying for waste collection.

The document should also provide for the introduction of such obligations for manufacturers of plastic packaging or products in plastic packaging, as well as their importers, such as "return of containers," creating opportunities for citizens to receive payment for each plastic container returned through special waste reception equipment.

Abandoning AI-80 Gasoline

In January 2024, the Ministry of Ecology proposed banning AI-80 gasoline and fuel oil in Tashkent. To improve air quality, there was a noted need to stimulate the transition to electric vehicles, limit construction, and reduce vehicular traffic.

By the end of that month, the president instructed Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov to work on the issue of abandoning AI-80 gasoline starting in 2025. Plans were made to reduce the harm from trucks, vehicles older than 10 years, and fuels below the Euro-4 standard in the capital.

In February, it became known that CNPC is modernizing the Bukhara Oil Refinery to cease the production of AI-80 gasoline. "Uzbekneftegaz" and the Chinese corporation will improve the plant for over two years.

In May, the then-deputy head of "Uzbekneftegaz" for processing, Odil Temirov, mentioned that starting from November-December, the Bukhara Oil Refinery would increase the production of AI-91 and AI-92 gasoline. Currently, 85% of Bukhara Oil Refinery's output is AI-80, the production of which was planned to be halted from the beginning of 2025.

In September, the president signed a decree to combat dust storms and improve air quality. From 2028, the sale of fuels for vehicles below Euro-4 will be gradually restricted.

Earlier, Spot reported that 18 gas stations in the Andijan region were selling low-quality gasoline.