Inspections for monitoring the use of electricity, petroleum products, and gas under the Cabinet have been authorized to conduct round-the-clock checks on energy resource usage, as indicated by the presidential decree dated February 10.

To address the factors hindering state control in combating instances of illegal energy resource usage, the mechanisms for identifying wasteful spending and illegal and inefficient use of fuel and energy resources are being simplified, along with the enforcement of control over the prevention of the sale of substandard fuel products.

Amendments are also being made to the presidential decree dated May 24, 2023, which states that "Uzenergoinspection" will be able to conduct inspections "at any time of the day" in economic entities engaged in the extraction, production, processing, transportation, storage, delivery, and consumption of fuel and energy resources.

Control measures are carried out by notifying the authorized body through registration in the "Unified State Control" system within 24 hours of the inspection's commencement. Additionally, department employees are required to fill out the inspection registration book provided by the entrepreneur upon completion of the inspection.

Furthermore, "Uzenergoinspection" will be able to continuously identify instances of "wasteful, illegal, and inefficient use of fuel and energy resources," as well as monitor the quality of the fuel and energy resources being sold.

Previously, Spot reported that a company from Tashkent was accused of stealing electricity worth 1.7 billion sums.