On January 25, the third plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan continued its work in Tashkent. It was attended by members of the Senate, government officials, representatives of ministries and agencies, deputies of local councils, members of the Youth Parliament under the Senate, and media personnel.
The plenary session, conducted via videoconference, was led by the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tanzila Narbaeva. It was broadcast live through the Senate's YouTube channel.
The third day of the plenary session began with the consideration of the Law "On Amendments to the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Administrative Responsibility in Connection with the Improvement of the System for Preventing Offenses Among Minors."
The challenges and threats arising in the modern world have led to the widespread dissemination of various alien ideas among youth, which presents new tasks for our country's law enforcement agencies in terms of timely prevention and elimination of such cases.
The transfer of positions for inspector-psychologists (senior inspector-psychologists) in the internal affairs bodies dealing with minors to the National Guard, as per the relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 5, 2024, is also an integral continuation of the work being carried out in this direction.
According to this decree, the Department for Working with Children has been established within the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan along with its territorial subdivisions, and positions for senior inspector-psychologists and inspector-psychologists dealing with minors have been created.
These subdivisions are taking necessary measures to enhance the moral and psychological environment in schools (10,134), identify and eliminate factors contributing to neglect among students, foster a sense of patriotism and loyalty to the Homeland among students, and cultivate an intolerant attitude towards violations of the law.
In addition, important work is being carried out to ensure safety in educational institutions, primarily exemplified by the "Safe School" concept, by working with problematic students at their places of residence in the presence of parents, as well as improving attendance.
There arises a need to grant those occupying the newly created positions, including senior inspector-psychologists and inspector-psychologists dealing with minors, the powers established by law for inspector-psychologists in internal affairs bodies dealing with minors.
Since February to date, inspector-psychologists of the National Guard have identified 44,450 violations of part one of Article 47 of the Code on Administrative Responsibility, ensured the application of administrative penalties through prevention inspectors of internal affairs bodies, and issued approximately 175,000 warning letters to parents of children who miss school.
On average, each inspector-psychologist oversees 3 to 10 educational institutions, depending on the number of students in schools. However, the fact that they refer juvenile offenders to the prevention inspector, who is the main contact person regarding the application of administrative penalties towards their parents, negatively affects the effectiveness of the work of inspector-psychologists, as well as leads to unnecessary waste of their time.
This law has been developed by the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan to ensure the legality of the activities of inspector-psychologists dealing with minors serving in educational institutions, improve the psychological environment in schools, foster an intolerant attitude towards offenses among minors, assist problematic students at their places of residence with parental involvement, and create the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of targeted work.
According to senators, the adoption of the law will enhance the effectiveness of the activities of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan in preventing offenses among minors, as well as protect the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of children.
After discussion, the law was approved by the senators.
Next, the parliamentarians discussed the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan Aimed at Further Strengthening Guarantees for Reliable Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms.".
The country is implementing large-scale work aimed at elevating the system of human rights protection to a new level based on the principle "In the Name of Human Honor and Dignity," strengthening guarantees for the protection of human rights and freedoms in the activities of judicial and law enforcement bodies, as well as enhancing public trust in the law enforcement system.
As a result of large-scale reforms in judicial and investigative practices, effective mechanisms have been developed aimed at ensuring guarantees for the protection of human rights and freedoms.
The law being discussed by the senators is a logical continuation of these reforms and provides for the introduction of the position of investigative judge in district and city courts for criminal cases to reliably ensure the constitutional rights of individuals accused of committing crimes, including freedom and personal inviolability.
At the same time, this law introduces amendments and additions to determine the legislative issues regarding the sanctioning of procedural decisions at the pre-trial stage of criminal cases and the consideration of cases on administrative offenses by investigative judges, specifying the grounds and procedures for considering cases referred to the competence of investigative judges.
Senators emphasized that the document will further strengthen guarantees for reliable protection of human rights and freedoms in investigative activities.
Upon conclusion of the discussion, the law was approved by the senators.
Then the Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was considered.
In recent years, systematic work has been underway in the country to ensure guarantees of labor rights for citizens and to implement international standards into national legislation.
The law introduces amendments and changes to the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing for the implementation of electronic labor contract registration within the inter-agency hardware and software complex "Unified National Labor System," modification of the procedure for determining the duration of unpaid leave, and the method for calculating the employee's average salary.
In accordance with the Law "On Education," changes are made to clarify the types of educational organizations where employees can study in evening or part-time forms. A ban on dismissing an employee for reasons related to pregnancy or having a child is also introduced.
Additionally, it is established that state bodies and organizations, when hiring, should not require information about the passport or identification ID card, or work book of the individual, but should request them independently, including through inter-agency integration platforms in information systems.
Senators noted that the law serves to ensure guarantees of labor rights for citizens, transition to an electronic system of labor relations, reduction of cases of illegal refusal to employ workers in state bodies and organizations, as well as prevention of unnecessary document requests from citizens seeking employment.
As a result of the discussion, the law was approved by the senators.
There was also a lively discussion on the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Improvement of the Regulation System of the Alcohol and Tobacco Market."
In recent years, systematic work has been carried out in the country aimed at regulating the alcohol and tobacco market and ensuring state control over the circulation of alcohol and tobacco products.
However, due to the improvement of the activities of the Inspection for Regulation of the Alcohol and Tobacco Market under the Department for Combating Economic Crimes at the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there is a need to clarify its powers in legislative acts.
Based on this, amendments and additions are made to the laws "On State Duty," "On Licensing, Permit and Notification Procedures," and "On Restricting the Distribution and Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco Products," defining the powers of the inspection. Thus, the deadline for paying the annual state duty for the issued license for the production of consumer and technical ethyl alcohol, alcoholic products, and wholesale trade in alcoholic products is established.
The law provides for the possibility for legal entities to engage in wholesale trade of beer and beer drinks by sending a notification to the authorized state body.
Wholesale trade in tobacco products is also conducted by sending a notification to the authorized body, while retail trade is conducted by notifying tax authorities.
Senators emphasized that this law aims to implement an effective control system in the production and sale of alcohol and tobacco products. It will help prevent illegal circulation of products, develop a healthy competitive environment for business, protect consumer rights,