
The project for a new program aimed at protecting children in Uzbekistan has been discussed.

Обсужден проект новой программы защиты детей в Узбекистане.

The presentation and discussion of the new UNICEF and Uzbekistan Government program for child protection for the years 2026-2030 took place in Tashkent.

The key partners in implementing this program include the National Social Protection Agency, government structures, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the academic community, and civil society organizations.

At the opening of the event, Geoffrey Ijumba, Deputy Representative of UNICEF in Uzbekistan, noted:

“Child protection is not only a duty of the state but also a shared responsibility of all partners. Uzbekistan is demonstrating steady progress in this area, and our collaboration with the National Social Protection Agency strengthens the child protection system, making it more accessible and effective.”

During the meeting, Avaz Rauf, Deputy Director of Coram International, presented the results of the evaluation of the current program (2021-2025), highlighting key achievements and areas for further improvement.

One of the main agenda items was the discussion of the Theory of Change for the new child protection program for 2026-2030. Antonia Ludeke, Head of the “Child Protection” program at UNICEF in Uzbekistan, presented the main areas of activity that will be implemented in partnership with the National Social Protection Agency, including:

  • enhancing measures to prevent violence against children;
  • developing alternative forms of child care;
  • expanding access to social services for children and families;
  • improving inter-agency cooperation.

Lailo Faizimurodova, Deputy Head of the National Social Protection Agency, emphasized the importance of a comprehensive approach:

“Child protection is a priority for Uzbekistan. All initiatives in this area must be implemented together, in a coordinated and effective manner. At the request of the Agency, UNICEF has engaged an international expert to develop a strategy and program for implementing the law on protecting children from all forms of violence. It is through partnership with UNICEF and other organizations that we can create a system where every child is safe and receives the necessary support.”

The event was conducted in an interactive format, with participants actively sharing opinions and suggestions. Diana Isaeva and Safinas Akhaeva, specialists from the UNICEF “Child Protection” program, facilitated the discussions, paying special attention to engaging national partners.

“Feedback from participants confirms that the new program reflects the real challenges and needs of the child protection system. In partnership with the National Social Protection Agency, we will work to ensure that children have a safe and nurturing environment for development,” - emphasized Antonia Ludeke in her closing remarks.

The child protection program for 2026-2030 will be an important step in creating an effective support and welfare system for children in Uzbekistan.

Child protection requires a comprehensive approach and active collaboration among various sectors, which is essential for forming a system capable of ensuring safety and protecting children's rights at all levels.