During the recent plenary session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the bill aimed at protecting consumer rights was discussed article by article in its second reading.
The bill stipulates that if the seller fails to deliver the goods to the consumer within the timeframes specified in the contract, they must pay a penalty for the unfulfilled part of the obligation. It is also specified that the penalty amount should not exceed the price of the undelivered goods, and the payment of the penalty does not exempt the seller, who has breached the contractual obligations, from compensating for damages caused by the delay in delivery or non-delivery of goods.
Additionally, it is provided that if the seller can prove that the delay in delivering the goods to the consumer was due to the consumer's fault, they are exempt from paying the penalty.
It was noted that during the preparation of the bill for the second reading, the responsible committee held a series of meetings and seminars where all proposals from deputies were thoroughly analyzed. It was emphasized that the most substantiated proposals were reflected in the text of the document, and the project was refined and improved.
According to the deputies, the adoption of the bill will serve to protect the legal interests of consumers and prevent cases where the seller fails to fulfill the terms of the sales contract, particularly regarding improper or untimely delivery of goods.
The bill has been adopted in its second reading.