
Senators have approved a law regulating the alcohol and tobacco markets.

Сенаторы утвердили законопроект, который регулирует рынок алкоголя и табака.

During the third plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Connection with the Improvement of the Regulation System for the Alcohol and Tobacco Market" was reviewed.

In recent years, systematic efforts have been made in the country to regulate the alcohol and tobacco market and to ensure government oversight in the turnover of alcoholic and tobacco products.

At the same time, due to the enhancement of the activities of the Inspection for the Regulation of the Alcohol and Tobacco Market under the Department for Combating Economic Crimes of the Attorney General's Office, there is a need to clarify its powers in legislative acts.

Therefore, this Law introduces amendments and additions to the laws "On State Duties," "On Licensing, Permit and Notification Procedures," and "On the Restriction of the Distribution and Consumption of Alcoholic and Tobacco Products," which define the powers of this Inspection.

According to the amendments, a deadline is established for the payment of the annual state duty for the license issued for the production of consumer and technical ethyl alcohol, alcoholic products, as well as for wholesale trading in alcoholic products.

The law allows legal entities to engage in wholesale trading of beer and beer-based beverages by sending a notification to the authorized state body.

Additionally, the wholesale trade of tobacco products is conducted by sending a notification to the authorized body, while retail trade is carried out by sending notifications to tax authorities.

Senators emphasized that this Law aims to implement an effective control system in the production and sale of alcoholic and tobacco products. The law serves to prevent the illegal turnover of products, develop a healthy competitive environment for business operations, protect consumer rights, and ensure the uniform application of legal norms.

The Law has been approved by the senators.