
The National Commission on Combating Human Trafficking and Promoting Decent Work held its latest meeting.

Прошло новое заседание Национальной комиссии по борьбе с торговлей людьми и обеспечению достойных условий труда.
Country Focus December 26, 2024 105

On December 25 of this year, another meeting of the National Commission on Human Trafficking and Decent Work took place. The meeting was chaired by the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Tanzilla Narbaeva, who is also the head of the National Commission.

Members of the National Commission and territorial commissions, heads of responsible ministries and departments, NGOs, as well as representatives of the media participated in the event.

The meeting discussed the ongoing work in the republic regarding human trafficking and decent work, the results achieved in the framework of international cooperation, as well as future tasks.

During the past period, special attention was given to the efforts to further improve national legislation in this area and the widespread implementation of international standards in practice.

It was noted that the program "From Poverty to Prosperity," initiated by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has elevated the work on poverty reduction, training the population in modern professions, ensuring well-paid stable jobs, decent wages, and entrepreneurship development to a new level.

As a logical continuation of this decree, the President's resolution "On measures to improve and enhance the effectiveness of state policy in the field of employment and poverty reduction" was adopted, expanding the powers of the State Labor Inspectorate.

Now, labor inspectors have the authority to conduct checks on compliance with labor rights and occupational safety legislation without hindrance.

It was emphasized that the effective use of these powers contributes to reducing violations of labor legislation requirements in enterprises, organizations, and institutions.

Work on the ratification of conventions of the International Labor Organization has continued. In particular, five conventions of the International Labor Organization have been ratified.

A draft law has been developed that envisions stricter penalties for crimes related to human trafficking. It was also noted that the law on tightening criminal responsibility for such crimes has been approved by the Senate.

Significant results have been achieved in the implementation of new projects in this area and in further strengthening Uzbekistan's position in international rankings, ensuring the fulfillment of the "road maps" approved by the National Commission.

During the meeting, along with positive outcomes, shortcomings in the sector and issues that need attention were addressed.

Reports from the heads of the ministries of employment and poverty reduction, internal affairs, the Tripartite Commission on Social Work, as well as relevant ministries, agencies, and regions regarding the work done, shortcomings identified, and upcoming tasks were heard.

At the same time, tasks for the future were defined during the meeting. It was emphasized that it is necessary to actively implement the principles of decent work in our country, ensure the labor rights of citizens, and timely and qualitatively fulfill the tasks outlined for combating human trafficking.

The need to develop measures for 2025 based on a thorough analysis of each direction, taking into account advanced foreign and international experience, was highlighted. The importance of jointly developing with the International Labor Organization a Country Program project for 2026-2030, analyzing the fulfillment of tasks set within the framework of the Country Program for Decent Work in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021-2025, was also noted.

The National Commission made corresponding decisions on the discussed issues.