
In 2024, the Supreme Court declared over 2,700 decisions made by governors invalid.

В 2024 году Верховный суд признал более 2700 решений хокимов недействительными.

During 2024, administrative courts examined 15,373 cases arising from public law relations. As a result, the rights of 6,338 individuals and legal entities were restored.

In the reporting period, 6991 cases were reviewed regarding appeals against decisions made by administrative bodies and local self-government officials. In particular, the number of cases concerning the invalidation of hokim decisions reached 2,720, with 933 applications from individuals and legal entities being granted.

Regional and equivalent administrative courts reviewed 3,174 cases in an appellate manner. They annulled 385 decisions made by first-instance courts and amended 14 decisions. In cassation proceedings, 1,208 cases were examined, resulting in the annulment of 130 first-instance court decisions and the amendment of 4 decisions. In revision proceedings, 1,649 cases were reviewed, leading to the annulment of 141 decisions from lower courts and the amendment of 2 decisions.

The Supreme Court's judicial panel on administrative cases reviewed 2,132 complaints and protests in revision, of which 309 were examined based on case materials. Consequently, 95 decisions from lower courts were annulled.