
A regional branch of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Expertise named after Kh. Sulaymonova will be established in the Tashkent region.

В Ташкентской области откроется региональный филиал Республиканского центра судебно-медицинской экспертизы имени Х. Сулаймоновой.
Country in Focus December 20, 2024 103

The Government has adopted a Resolution (No. 849 dated December 18, 2024) titled "On the Further Improvement of the Activities of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination named after K. Sulaymanova under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

According to the Resolution, a regional branch of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination named after K. Sulaymanova will be established in the Tashkent region.

By June 1, 2026, measures will be taken to locate the Tashkent regional branch of the Center for Forensic Medical Examination in a building that meets state standards, is compatible with international standards, and is equipped with special furniture, computers, other necessary equipment and inventory, as well as highly qualified professional staff.

A Laboratory for the Analysis of Consumer Goods and Drinking Water will be established at the Center for Forensic Medical Examination, which will conduct research aimed at detecting the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in consumer goods and the composition of drinking water.

In the regional branches of the Center for Forensic Examinations, the following types of examinations and studies will be gradually implemented:

By October 1, 2025, a forensic examination laboratory for materials, objects, and products, as well as forensic pathology and forensic technical examination of documents will operate in the Navoi regional branch of the Center for Forensic Medical Examination;

By November 1, 2026, forensic phonographic, forensic fire, and electrical engineering examinations will be conducted in the branch for the Republic of Karakalpakstan of the Center for Forensic Medical Examination;

By December 1, 2026, a forensic examination laboratory for materials, objects, and products, as well as forensic medical examination and documents will operate in the regional branch of the Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Kashkadarya region.