The President's Decree on the State Program for Implementing the Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030" during the Year of Environmental Protection and "Green Economy" has been adopted.
According to the Decree, by 2025, in order to enhance public health, create conditions for fostering an ecological lifestyle, and realize human potential:
the National Movement "One Million Green Families" will be launched, aimed at widely promoting the lifestyle of the "eco-active citizen."
Starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, within the framework of the "From Poverty to Prosperity" program, 3,500 children from low-income families will be admitted to higher educational institutions on a grant basis in accordance with established procedures.
By March 1, 2025, a program will be developed to enhance the promotion of the benefits of proper nutrition, physical culture, and sports for human health;
in order to identify, assess, manage, and monitor risks in the field of food security, a unified interagency National Information Platform will be developed by August 1, 2025.