
Uzbekistan regions will adopt a new strategy for advancing the service sector.

В Узбекистане внедрят новый метод развития сферы услуг в регионах.

As part of these initiatives, it is planned to create 72 coastal recreational zones, organize 154 tourist and gastronomic streets operating around the clock, modernize 62 recreational parks, and build 364 roadside service facilities, among others.

It was also reported that two years ago, a social tax rate of 1 percent was established for trade and service enterprises. During this period, the number of such enterprises increased by 1.5 times.

“Thanks to many entrepreneurs stepping out of the 'shadows' and accurately reflecting their monthly wages, the wage fund has increased by 3.2 times, resulting in additional budget revenues of 2.1 trillion sums,” it was noted at the meeting.

Considering these results, it has been proposed to extend the preferential measure for another three years. Now, it will apply to employees of service enterprises under 30 years old who earn at least 3 million sums per month. Construction, trade, and catering enterprises will be able to sign short-term, simplified labor contracts with their employees.