Mahmudkhodja Behbudi became the founder of the Jadid movement in Turkestan at the beginning of the 20th century. It is noted that "as a selfless individual and an outstanding representative of the national liberation movement, he dedicated his life to the development of science, education, upbringing, literature, and art, as well as to publishing, the revival of national consciousness, and expanding the worldview of the people, helping them gain independence through the mastery of the world's advanced achievements."
Behbudi was one of the first in the region to lead the organization of modern schools, create necessary textbooks for them, and establish publishing houses and theaters. As a publicist, he authored a number of notable works and over two hundred articles on the pressing issues of his time. Alongside this, he founded the newspaper "Samarkand" and the magazine "Oina." In 1914, his play "Padarkush" was staged at the "Turon" theater, marking the beginning of the development of theatrical art in the country.
In the years of independence, significant attention is given to commemorating the memory, deeply studying the life and activities, and widely popularizing the scientific and artistic works of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi.
Particularly important events in Uzbekistan in recent years include the unveiling of a monument in his honor on the Alley of Literature in Tashkent, the establishment of a house-museum in Samarkand, and the founding of the Mahmudkhodja Behbudi Prize in the field of drama.
The resolution has approved the proposal for a grand celebration in 2025 to mark the 150th anniversary of the founder of the Jadid movement in Turkestan, the outstanding writer, public figure, publisher, and educator Mahmudkhodja Behbudi.
In this regard, an organizational committee is being formed to celebrate this date, tasked with approving a corresponding program of activities. This will include the preparation and publication of a collection titled "Selected Works" of the writer, popular science books dedicated to his life and activities, staging plays about him, and organizing mass screenings of the previously filmed TV series "Mahmudkhodja Behbudi" and the artistic and journalistic film from the series "Khalq Yuragi."
Exhibitions of visual art works about the life and creativity of Behbudi, as well as the activities of representatives of the Jadid movement in Turkestan, will take place in the Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts.
Additionally, it is planned to conduct and award winners of an essay competition on the theme "Lessons from Mahmudkhodja Behbudi" among students of secondary general and creative schools, cadets of the "Temurbeklar Maktabi," and students of higher educational institutions.
Creative meetings and literary evenings dedicated to the life and work of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi will be organized with the participation of renowned scholars and writers in educational institutions at all levels, libraries, labor collectives, neighborhoods, and military units.
A broad popularization of Behbudi's works among the youth through modern digital and information technologies is planned.
In October 2025, an international scientific-practical conference titled "Current Issues in Studying the Heritage of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi and the Jadid Movement" is scheduled to take place at Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov, and in November 2025, a solemn literary and educational evening in memory of Mahmudkhodja Behbudi, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of his birth, will be held at the Alisher Navoi State Academic Grand Theater of Uzbekistan.
Plans include the improvement of the territory of the Mahmudkhodja Behbudi house-museum in Samarkand and the enrichment of the museum's exhibition, as well as naming one of the streets in the city of Karshi after the outstanding writer and installing a memorial plaque.
Furthermore, there are plans to create audiovisual works for placement on the internet and social media, as well as to publish a series of materials in the mass media.