
Uzbekistan is set to establish a new system for identifying and training talented youth in Olympic sports.

В Узбекистане запустят новую систему для выявления и подготовки талантливой молодежи в олимпийских видах спорта.

It has been noted that the government is placing special emphasis on the development of the sports sector. Over the past four years, the amount of funding allocated from the state budget for sports has increased from 1.5 trillion to 3 trillion sums, and the average salary of coaches has doubled. A total of 101 large sports facilities have been constructed, and 67 facilities have been renovated. The achievements of our athletes at the Paris Olympics serve as a vivid testament to the effectiveness of the measures taken.

The goal has now been set to enter the top ten teams at the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. To achieve this, it is necessary to strengthen training and develop sports federations.

At the meeting, these issues were discussed in the context of 26 sports federations and regions.

At the last Olympic Games in athletics, which included 48 disciplines, only 5 licenses were obtained, and in aquatic sports, which consists of 49 disciplines, only 4 licenses were secured. Meanwhile, athletes from Karakalpakstan, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, and Syrdarya regions showed poor results.

In this regard, a decision has been made to create a new system for identifying and training talented youth in Olympic sports, as well as to incentivize athletes and coaching staff. The head of state announced several initiatives in this area.

Primarily, to promote the development of the Olympic and Paralympic movements and to improve the selection system, regional branches of the Olympic Committee will be established. Just as the President heads the National Olympic Committee, the regional branches will be led by the regional hokims. Together with each sports federation, the regional branches will develop a training strategy for the Olympic Games, and 300 billion sums will be allocated to create the necessary infrastructure and conditions.

Additionally, there are plans to attract advanced foreign experience and grants; athletes and coaches will undergo training in foreign sports academies, and sports will be categorized into three priority groups based on the results of previous Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The necessity of transforming 310 sports schools in the regions into a selection base for national teams was emphasized, where new methodologies and approaches will be implemented. Furthermore, 56 sports schools adapted for Olympic sports will become the main reserve where selected young athletes will receive targeted training through individual programs.

Moreover, competitions in Olympic sports titled "Olympic Peaks of New Uzbekistan" will be held twice a year in the regions. Local and regional winners will be incentivized by the hokims, and winners of the regional stage will gain the right to participate in the "Presidential Olympics," held in December in the Olympic Village.

Winners of the competitions will be awarded valuable prizes, including housing, cars, and others, while athletes finishing in the top two positions will be enrolled in republican Olympic and Paralympic centers; first- and second-year students will be granted scholarships.

The President also stressed that alongside athletes and coaches of national teams demonstrating high results, it is necessary to incentivize the primary coaches who nurtured these athletes.

Special attention was given at the meeting to the development of Paralympic sports.

Previously, there were sports clubs for youth with disabilities in 33 schools, but today the number of such schools has reached 235. The number of individuals regularly engaging in parasports has increased fourfold, exceeding 7,000 people.

In collaboration with the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, scientific methodologies and standards for involving youth with disabilities in sports will be developed, and a separate department for adaptive sports will be established at the university's branch in Tashkent.

Additionally, 39 sports schools in the regions will specialize in Paralympic sports. Conditions will be created for young people, especially girls with disabilities, to participate in regular sports sections. The system for issuing qualification certificates to coaches and their retraining will be simplified.

The process of forming teams for Paralympic sports will also be amended: selection will be based not only on competition results but also on the fulfillment of sports standards. A special online platform is planned for monitoring the performance of athletes with disabilities.

In organizing competitions and sports events, an integrated system for conducting both Olympic and Paralympic competitions will be applied: where a championship is held, Paralympic competitions will also be organized simultaneously. This will create a truly inclusive system that will serve as a source of confidence and support for athletes with disabilities.

It was also noted that there are vast opportunities for the private sector in the sports field. In the future, a unified registry of private sports clubs will be maintained, criteria for their activities will be developed, and clubs will be provided with free sports equipment based on their reach. Private coaches will be granted the right to self-employment.

Youth from private clubs will be able to participate in competitions under their own name, allowing for the selection of athletes for national teams based on their results.

Instructions have been given for the broad implementation of digital technologies in the processes of searching, selecting, and training athletes to ensure fairness and identify talented youth.

Particular attention has been given to the development of mass sports and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.