
The Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan has launched an AI-powered chatbot that will provide answers to the public's legal inquiries.

Минюст Узбекистана представил AI-чат-бота, который будет предоставлять ответы на юридические вопросы граждан.

The chatbot will draw answers to questions from the eponymous National Legislation Database. The digital assistant has "studied" over 34,000 active regulatory documents for more than five months.

"The President has tasked us with implementing artificial intelligence in all areas of life. The LexAI platform is the first step in this direction. For every individual, understanding the legal foundations of their life is of utmost importance. However, grasping the language of laws and utilizing them can be challenging. This innovation aims to simplify that process," said Sherzod Shermatov, the Minister for Development of Information Technologies and Communications.

Additionally, the platform will feature a special builder that will assist users in preparing necessary documents independently, without the need for legal professionals. A separate service is planned for the legal expertise of new regulatory documents.

"We receive a vast number of questions from citizens. Our team consists of 40–50 lawyers, but we are not always able to respond to all inquiries in a timely manner. LexAI will provide a solution to such situations," noted Sherzod Egamberdiev, founder of the Sher Legal law firm.

Currently, work is underway for the phased implementation of all components of the system. A full launch is scheduled for January of next year.

As a reminder, this past summer, the Tax Committee introduced the virtual assistant DavrOn, which provides informational support to taxpayers based on artificial intelligence.